3 Peace Disruptors

If I had a nicer boss, I would have peace at work. When I finally finish this project, I will have peace. If my husband stopped arguing with me, we would have peace at home. These phrases subconsciously feed our three key peace disruptors.

  • Key Peace Disruptors

For several weeks I have blogged about the ever-flowing peace of Christ in us and around us. When we feel a disruption in Christ’s peace in us, it is from our side of the relationship. If you feel unsettled, check to see if one of these disruptors have crept into your mind or heart.

  1. Negative or self-focused thoughts. The enemy and our flesh are always battling for our minds. It is vital for us to know God’s word as we study it every day. We must also put on the armor of God and speak his truth when we feel a ripple in Christ’s peace in us. Only we can choose what we will think about and believe in, so choose God’s word.
  2. Out of control emotions. God gave us emotions to experience life and to warn us. However, our emotions become ignited by the thoughts we choose to think on. When we learn to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor 10:5), we are focusing on Christ’s logic and self-control in us. Staying on the logical side of our brain empowers us to have the space to control our emotions. Although our emotions are real, they are unpredictable, often illogical, reactive, and they do not have a brain. We alone are responsible and in charge of our emotions, and we will face the consequences for them. Let Jesus help you control your emotions through God’s word and in the Holy Spirit’s fruit of self-control.
  3. A shallow relationship with Jesus Christ. Even though I grew up in the church, I was often frustrated in my faith. I didn’t understand that I was responsible for growing my relationship with Jesus every day. I assumed that whatever I needed spiritually, Jesus would automatically give it to me. Once I understood that being a disciple of Christ meant that I was his apprentice or student, I understood that I had to work with him every day. As our relationship grew, my understanding and walk of faith with him grew deeper.

Christ’s Peace in You is Connected to Your Relationship with Him

The depth of our peace correlates to the depth of our relationship with Jesus Christ. When I lived in shallow faith, I was a frustrated confused Christian. This fact has taken me decades to learn. I share my insights and God’s revelations with you, so you don’t have to spend decades being unaware, frustrated, and confused.

Jesus tells us. “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” (Matt 22:29, NIV)

Until we know our Savior Jesus Christ in a personal way, and we know his ways, we will keep trying to create our own peace. We must understand that our faith requires our participation as we work with Jesus. We are responsible for investing our time and love into our relationship with him.

Jesus gave us everything to give us the opportunity to work with him and be transformed into his likeness. Thriving in Christ’s peace will come as we live and love the way he did. Our relationship with Jesus is the assurance that while we are walking in our life’s journey with him and waiting, we can live in his supernatural peace that surpasses all understanding!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27, NIV)

Enjoy these thirty scriptures to help you overcome your thoughts and emotions that disrupt your peace. Download your FREE 30 Bible Verses on Fear and Anxiety