3 Warnings of an Ungrateful Heart

  • ‘You look beautiful.’ I rolled my eyes.
  • ‘Thank you for your help Jan,’ I said. As we parted, I kept thinking about all the things she did, that I would have done a different way.
  • ‘I’m sorry.’ Amy snarled at me, with her hands on her hips.

3 Signs and Examples of Ungratefulness

There are three warning signs of an ungrateful heart that are revealed in our attitudes, the tone of our voice, and our body language. Albert Mehrabian, a psychology professor, did a study that revealed we only communicate 7 percent verbally, and ninety-three percent nonverbally (55 percent body language, 38 percent tone of voice). His research shows us that people can say something nice. However, the truth is seen in how they say it and their body language.

The examples above show us the truths of an ungrateful heart. In the first example, I was not willing to receive a compliment and be grateful. Receiving a compliment doesn’t make us prideful; it makes us grateful. Our gratefulness honors God because he made us.

The second example reveals how our need to control can give us an ungrateful heart. We may think that as long as we are not ungrateful or mean to the person’s face, we are okay. However, God’s word is clear that he knows everything. ‘Learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought.’ (1 Chron 28:9 NLT) I had Jan’s help, but I missed the opportunity to feel grateful. As Christ’s disciple, I must choose gratefulness and give up control.

The third example shows us how the tone of our voice and body language can nullify the words we speak. We cannot betray our inner beliefs and truth. If there is an untruth to our words or what is truly in our heart and mind, we will reveal it in the tone of our voice, our attitude, and our body language.

Christ’s Love is the Root of Gratefulness

To live as a disciple of Christ, in his love, we must work with him to transform any ungratefulness. Our transformation begins as we learn and accept our identity, value, and purpose in Christ. As we focus on the goodness of Christ in us, we can tell him how grateful we are for all he has done, and he is doing now in our life.

Practicing being grateful trains our brain to see and to choose to find something to be grateful for. It transforms our inner truth to love others and appreciate them as Jesus loves us now. Our gratefulness opens us up to receive God’s blessings and to be grateful for what others do for us. In the Bible, God instructs us.

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. (1 John 3:18 ESV)

As disciples of Jesus, we are instructed to work with Jesus to let him transform our mind, heart, and spirit to mirror his. The closer we grow in a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer or talking with him, praising him in word and music, and by studying the Bible, the more we will be like him. In other words, we will have Christ’s same spirit, attitude, loving voice, body language, and words of gratefulness. The more we are like him, the more grateful and loving we will be to ourselves and to others.

Only You can Chose to be Grateful

As we become more grateful, we will also receive a transformation in our ability to receive kindness without rolling our eyes, doubting, or judging others. We will know we are worthy of the blessings of gratefulness as well as others because we are all created by God. When we walk in ungratefulness, we place a metal case over the loving light and hope of Jesus in us.

It is easy to say that you are a Christian. The real question is, are you a disciple of Christ who is willing to let him transform you as you follow his ways and obey God? Will you let him show you how to be grateful through him and to love others as he loves you?

Choosing to be grateful puts you in a place of looking for the good and the blessings of Christ’s grace in every situation, whether good or challenging. Gratefulness places your trust in God’s plan to do good and to give you hope and a future no matter how you feel or what you see. Gratefulness activates your faith to believe and to live like you know Jesus is in you and your attitude, voice tone, words, and body language.

Choose to be grateful and live in the abundance of Christ now and forever!

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