7 Steps to Keep God Priority During the Holiday Season

7 Steps to Keep God Priority During the Holiday Season

“Schedules, your parents, my parents, our stepparents, gifts, and dinners. I’m already stressed thinking about all these things to juggle, and the holiday season is just beginning.” I overheard a wife share with her husband at the store. You could see the joy drain from his face as she shared her thoughts and feelings.

The Holidays can be a Trigger

Unfortunately, holidays can trigger anxiety, frustration, sadness, disappointment, and heart-wrenching memories for many people. We would all like a wonderful Norman Rockwell scene for our holidays, but that’s not the real world. Many people have heartbreaking memories from their past Christmases. Over the years, they may have tried to improve things, but some memories never fade, and some wounds never completely heal.

If you struggle with bad memories or know that you have challenging family dynamics that create drama during the holiday season, it’s important to make a plan. When God created the earth, he revealed his plan for each day. The Bible is filled with verses about planning. When we make our plan with God as our guide, we will walk in his heart and love. Scripture tells us.

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. (Provb. 16:3, NIV)
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I trust my life. (Psa. 143:8, NIV)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. (Prov. 3:5-6, NIV)

When the realities of our life and the imperfect people, including us, intersect during the holidays, it’s easy to get sucked into an emotional tornado when we don’t keep God our priority. God is our anchor in the worst storms. He is our wisdom, strength, and superpower to give grace to those who require extra.

Years ago, I created a plan to help me do my best to remain the light during some very challenging family holidays. Once I placed God first, my mind and heart could stay focused regardless of other people’s challenging words, emotions, reactions, and choices. I could feel Christ’s unexplainable peace and strength helping me overcome my temptations to control, react or be mean. I’m sharing my list with the hope that this list helps you.

7 Steps to Keep God Your Priority

  1. Start the day with Jesus before your feet hit the floor.
  2. Play worship music whenever possible and sing along.
  3. At noon, take five minutes to be still and thank Jesus for three things.
  4. Take a break in the afternoon and read one Bible verse. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s message he has for you.
  5. Before making any plans, pray and ask for God’s guidance.
  6. Be aware of your emotions or others who struggle with the holiday season.
  7. End your day reading God’s word, listening to praise music, or praying.

God-focused or Self-focused, What is the Outcome?

When you keep God at the center of your day, he gives you the wisdom and strength to surrender all outcomes to him. When you let God have control, you have no need to control. When you’re willing to listen and follow God’s leading, he will reveal things you never could have come up with on your own. Being a disciple of Christ and a child of God is the act of complete surrender and obedience.

During crazy times this may sound absurd. However, when you look at the life of Christ as he was being whipped and crucified, you understand how complete surrender to God’s ways leads to making the impossible possible. Take a few minutes and think about the past holidays you have been in charge and control. What was the outcome, and do you want it to be different this year?

Let God Lead You into a Blessed Holiday Season

God and Jesus can’t wait to take your hand and lead you in their ways of goodness, peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. God has great plans for your future and a hope that never fails. Rely on Jesus to give you the wisdom, strength, and grace you will need to be Christ among your family and friends. Set your goal to bring God glory and honor this holiday season!