About Me

Change your love . . . Change your life!

As a young girl, I longed to be loved by my mother, who suffered from mental illness, and my emotionally absent father. As a teenager, I sought love from friends and boys, which ended in heartache and date rape.  As a young woman, I still believed I could find love with a Christian husband, which ended in three abusive marriages and divorces. The pain and trauma I have endured during those forty-five years, I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.  
However, in the middle of my third abusive marriage, I began to see my quest to feel loved had revolved around other imperfect people like me. Even though I have known Jesus since age seven, I didn’t actually know his love or who I was in Christ.   As I studied God’s truth and the life of Jesus, I realized and accepted the value Jesus placed on me because he chose to die for me and you. Feeling worthy of loving ourselves and letting God and Jesus love us is one of the biggest hurdles I faced.
Receiving salvation doesn’t instantly download us with the truth of God’s word. We have to learn and grow from a baby in Christ to a mature disciple. I had to use God’s scripture to erase the lies I had heard or believed about me. I had to proclaim his word until they became my new record of love and value that played in my mind.
I learned who I was as a result of Jesus living in me, which has transformed my mind, heart, and life! If Jesus transformed me, he is waiting to transform you too. Read God’s word and this blog as you grow in Christ!
My Professional Life
Darla Colinet is the founder and CEO of God’s Transforming Grace. She is an inspirational speaker, author, and Consultant who helps Christians explore their definition of love and how that affects their healthy or unhealthy toxic relationships. She dispels the confusion and lies about love and domestic abuse through God’s truth and Christ’s exceptional love design. Darla brings hope, insightful revelations, and practical strategies through her authentic personal stories from thirty years of domestic abuse in three marriages. When she’s not serving God from her home in Colorado, she and her husband Alan are off on their travel adventures.
Darla is a certified as a Life and Christian Coach, a member of the Women’s Ministry core team at Timberline Church in Colorado, and a love and domestic abuse Consultant for churches and their staff to understand, identify, and support victims of unhealthy or toxic-abusive marriages in their church and community.
Darla’s desire and mission is to help you grow a deep personal relationship with God and Jesus through God’s word and through FREE resources, online mini and full courses, journals, planners, books, and other inspiring products at https://godstransforminggrace.com
This is your personal invitation to join Darla’s private Facebook group, Growing Through God’s Transforming Grace Facebook Group. You’ll find daily devotionals for your growth as a woman and child of God, blogs, and answers about all kinds of struggles Christian women have in their faith journey.
 If you have any questions or comments, contact me at darlacolinet@gmail.com.