Are Your Excuses Enslaving You?

  • Have you looked at yourself in the mirror and vowed to start walking only to tell yourself you do not have the time?
  • Has anyone asked you to meet them for coffee and you made an excuse because you did not want to go?
  • Have you ever overbooked your day, and missed a date with a loved one, and used the rationale that they will “understand”?

The Dictionary’s definition of an excuse is:  To provide a reason or explanation for somebody’s behavior that makes it appear more acceptable or less offensive; justification; a false reason; a bad example.

By this definition, we come up with excuses to avoid seeing a truth about ourselves and taking responsibility to change an aspect of our mind, our body, or our spiritual condition. We often use rationales and justification to excuse our unhealthy behavior toward others, ourselves, and even God.

I have personally squandered years of my life tolerating degrading and abusive behavior to give people a “fair chance.” When you excuse a person’s abuse to you, you are disobeying one of God’s greatest commandment–to love others AS you love yourself. Love does not hurt and abuse. There is no justification for hurt and abuse.

Living a life of excuses is not the life Jesus came to earth to give you. Jesus calls his believers to be truthful in love, but this never means we should be mean, lie, hurt, or abuse others. Instead, believers are called to pray and to treat others FIRST as we want to be treated and not allow others to hurt us other than for our faith in Christ.

We all come from brokenness, and it is easy to fall into the trap of using excuses which include blame to justify our behavior or attitude. However, our past does not have to dictate our present or future when we are a child of God. Commit to partner with Jesus to defeat your excuse tendencies. Let Jesus walk beside you, and he will give you the strength to live in a new freedom of no more excuses. Live your life asking Jesus how to keep yourself responsible and accountable. Learn how to set healthy boundaries in love with those who want to keep living in a frustrating and guilt ridden life of excuses.

Own the fact that you are created in the image of the God of the universe. You are His beloved daughter or son, and you were born to fulfill your unique purpose on this broken earth. Be courageous and determined to break through and rise above the enslavement of your excuses. Live in the freedom and kingdom of heaven Jesus brought down to earth by his grace and power.

Let me know how your, “no excuses life,” has freed you?