Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Featured

Why Does God Allow Challenges, Trials, and Tests?

To make specific metals, you must combine key ingredients and forge them in particular temperatures and ways. Likewise, to get a purified element, you need to separate it from all the rest. This purification process is called sanctification when you are a disciple of Jesus Christ.  We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know Jesus tells us, “You are mistaken, not…

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Featured

Man’s Remarkable Creations Fail in Comparison to Gods

These ancient columns make us awe at the miraculous achievements of man. Each column was quarried in another location and numbered to fit perfectly together at their new location. However, these ancient cities are abandoned, and the columns have been destroyed or are deteriorating. Nothing man makes will ever be eternal. God’s Amazing Creation: Us You can’t find anything to…

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Featured

Don’t Be Fooled by Flattery or Admiration

Howard Hughes, Bruce Lee, Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, Joan Rivers, and hundreds of other well-known people died from alcohol or drug abuse. These names don’t include all of the famous people who committed suicide. How can people who were admired by the world and seemed to have everything be drawn into the destruction and death of alcohol and drug abuse?…

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