Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Featured

Dependent on God, or Independent From God, and Why It Matters

After celebrating our country’s Independence Day, I’m grateful for everyone in the past who stood against injustice and especially for those who lost their lives. I’m also thankful for the freedoms and justice of our country that were founded on the morals and values in the Bible. Without the unified definitions and commitment that all people will work together following…

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Seeing My Mom’s Life Perspective

Growing up in the 1940s on a Native American Indian reservation in complete poverty, disrespect, and devaluing brought my mother many challenges. The decades of public shame and humiliation by white people for being tanned skin and Native American carved deep wounds in her heart and soul. Unfortunately, my mother also faced the pain and realities of growing up with…

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Our Uniqueness is Our Calling with Jesus

Cat eyeglasses, long brown braids, and full lips were not in style when I was in grade school. I was teased and degraded for looking different than most of my class and being the new girl. Being unique brought many challenges, frustrations, and disappointments. However, I didn’t get sucked into the girl’s competition during my high school years because I…

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Native American Women: Unacknowledged Strength

My mom grew up on a reservation enduring many hardships, including confinement, withholding food and healthcare, degrading and ridicule, and being told she was less than human from outsiders. However, my mom also shared stories of how women gathered together to plant, help one another, harvest, and celebrate. She talked about their wisdom and their voice to help lead the…

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