Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Priorities Over Resolutions Can Change Your Life

I can’t tell you the number of resolutions I’ve made and broken throughout the years. I start with good intentions for self-improvement, but they get sidetracked from life’s realities. Did my resolutions fail because I didn’t have a solid plan? Did they fail because I didn’t believe in them or wasn’t fully committed? Although some of these factors may have…

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Thanksgiving Versus Resentment, Dread, and Bitterness

Can’t you taste turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, green bean casserole, and cranberries! The images of Thanksgiving usually include a big meal and feelings of comfort. However, thanksgiving for some people means facing difficult people while still trying to find something to be grateful for. What is Thanksgiving? Webster defines Thanksgiving as an expression of gratitude especially to God. To be…

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Love and Marriage Christian, Relationships, Struggles, Uncategorized

What Does it Mean to Love like Jesus in Your Marriage?

My husband says he loves me, yet, his words and actions don’t feel like love. I’m trying to love him like Jesus, but what does that really mean as a wife and a husband?  Realization Creates Opportunity When I think of how many times I asked myself this question in my previous unhealthy marriage, I’m reminded of how confused I…

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love, Love and Marriage Christian

Why Living in a Messiah Fantasy is Dangerous

We may also fall into operating from a Messiah fantasy because of the wounds we have endured. If you fear being alone or abandoned, you will often rationalize abuse to avoid feeling this pain. You may also live in a Messiah fantasy if you have learned that love is something you must earn by helping, serving, sacrificing, and gaining people’s approval.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love, Love and Marriage Christian

Dangers of a Love Denial Fantasy

A love denial fantasy is created to avoid facing truths that may bring feelings of abandonment, rejection, or ending the relationship in divorce. A love denial fantasy can be stronger if the victim believes God will be disappointed or mad at them if they don’t submit to their abusive spouse or get divorced. These spiritual lies come from misquoted and misused verses, often by the abuser, to keep the victim in their control through fear.

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