Faith Struggles and Strengthening

Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

Stop Determining Your Self-Worth According to the World

If you grew up hearing and believing that you will “never amount to anything” or other negative lies, and you adopted these beliefs, you may struggle with low self-worth. You may doubt that you could ever be good enough or that you deserve to be respected or loved. These struggles torture you and keep you in pain and blind to seeking the truth of God.

The devil deceives you into believing that the negative lies people have said about you are your worth. If you equate their lies to be your worth, the enemy keeps your mind and emotions in pain. In your pain, you focus on fixing or changing yourself to prove you are valuable.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Relationships

Discover Where You Belong

God designed us with a spiritual desire to belong to Him from birth, but we don’t know it. In our unawareness, we try to feel like we belong by pleasing other people. We may try to join groups, cults, or organizations to feel connected. However, nothing on this broken earth can fill our spiritual need to belong to our Father and Creator, God.

Unfortunately, receiving salvation doesn’t instantly download us with the knowledge and understanding of who we are in Christ and that we are adopted into God’s family. (Eph. 1:5) Most of us don’t have an instant feeling of belonging, which is confusing. However, our feelings and unawareness of God’s truth don’t change the fact that we belong to God.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love and Marriage Christian

3 Ways Fairytale Fantasies Corrupt Christ’s Love Design

Although fairytale fantasies are fiction, we often face some of the same elements in our life. We face difficult people and circumstances, we struggle with fear and self-worth, and we want our happily-ever-after on this broken earth. In our real life, every choice has an effect and consequence. We can’t wish our challenges away or pretend they don’t exist like in a fantasy.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

Reminder: Your Performance is Not Your Identity

A performance-based identity warps the value we place on ourselves and others. When we’re wrapped up in how our performance makes us look or what we gain, we are living in the self-focused sin of pride. We can start to believe that who we are is based on how good or how bad we are doing something, which is not true in our Christ identity.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love, Love and Marriage Christian

What is a Love Design and How Does It Work?

The enemy wants us to believe our broken love is automatically transformed into God’s and Christ’s love when we receive Salvation. We never stop to evaluate our definition and understanding of love. Most Christians are not taught to look at their love design and learn about Christ’s to see the differences. We don’t know what we don’t know, and nothing will change until we learn and live in God’s truth.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

14 Characteristics of Healthy Love

As disciples of Christ, we’re instructed to examine the fruits of a person, especially those we let into our hearts. The healthy or unhealthy fruits of a person are their attitudes, words, and actions over time. The fruit they show us reveals the health and motive of their hearts. Their attitudes, words, and actions must be consistently healthy, or they are not healthy trees. Their fruit reveals their integrity, morals, and heart.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

3 Surprising Aspects of Christ’s Love We Don’t Talk About

I loved Jesus and God with my whole heart. However, I hadn’t studied His word, so it wasn’t written and living in my mind. I had used my imperfect knowledge, experience, and faith beliefs about what love was in my relationships, which kept me in the cycle of abuse. Living in my flawed, broken definition of love kept me confused because it was not God and Christ’s pure definition and design of love.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

One True Forever Love

If you struggle to understand Christ’s love, you are not alone. It took me over forty years and enduring three abusive marriages that ended in divorces to whole-heartedly surrender and see Christ’s love design. God helped me see His revelation in Scripture. Jesus showed me my life’s lessons, and he helped me write a clear success path to dwell in his pure love. My life is proof that when Jesus is your one true forever love, all things are possible!

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

Biggest Misinterpretation of Christ’s Love

Even some Christians believe that we are to let others hurt us in with the profession of love, but they are misguided. They’re confused about the difference between persecution and abuse. Jesus was persecuted, which brought physical abuse. However, persecution is defined as being subject to hostility and ill-treatment because of religious beliefs. Jesus chose to allow his persecution and abuse unto death only when it was time for him to be crucified.

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