
Featured, Growth

What Happens When Christ’s Body Separates?

So many ancient cities have been destroyed by earthquakes. When we look at the devastation of earthquakes, we are given insight into the devastation of what happens when many people proclaiming to be Christians disobey God’s word and fight, divide, and live according to their decrees instead of God’s.  Separation Begins with Disobedience When believers do not obey, serve, and…

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Featured, Growth

Do You Want Spiritual Freedom?

Our Perceptions of Freedom in America  America’s freedoms were created from a set of rules in the Constitution, founded on the morals and standards in God’s Word, the Bible. Without the unchanging, just rules from the Bible, imperfect people would continue to manipulate rules to fulfill their self-focused desires. This truth is verified when we look at history and our…

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Featured, Growth

Authority Versus Power

In a football game, you can’t dispute the physical power of the players. However, all their power disappears when a referee makes a ruling. The referee has the authority to control the power. These realities are parallel regarding God’s authority and our perception of power. Ultimate Authority and Power are God’s Alone Ultimate Authority: “For by Him all things were…

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Featured, Growth

Teachable, Trusting, and Obedient: Characteristics of Christ’s Disciples

So many people professing to be Christians are unaware of God’s truth or refuse to obey it. They twist, ignore, or misinterpret God’s word to fit their sinful desires instead of changing their sinful flesh desires to follow Yahweh, the ONE true God. They refuse to live under God’s and Christ’s authority, mandates, covenants, and commands. These realities are not…

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