
Love, Relationships

Who is the Superhero Living in You?

You may not be able to call down a thunderbolt from the sky or to shrink to the size of an ant or to deflect bullets from your bracelets of gold. However, you may have the superpower of friendliness, to talk to anyone because they feel comfortable with you. You may have the superpower of a generous heart, continually finding ways to bless people. You may have the superpower of laughter, making people laugh where ever you go. All of these are an example of specific superpowers most of us don’t even recognize. What would your life look like if you recognized and lived in your superpowers every day? How would your mind, relationships, and life change?

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Love, Perfectionism, Relationships, Struggles

Create Your Fresh Beginning

You cannot run before you roll over or crawl and you cannot skip the steps of healing. You will need to cross the paradigm bridge from where you are to your fresh beginning of living in Christ’s design of love. Your healing will be much like a chick breaking out of its shell or a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon.

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Gratefulness, Love, Oppressing Thoughts or Mind Matters, Struggles, Uncertainty in Transitions of Life

How Sickness Can Increase Your Faith

We all face sickness but some of us, like my mother, lived in a continual state of illness in her mind and body. Some days it was a feat for her to get out of bed and get dressed. However, one of the most amazing character traits she emanated was her ability to be grateful and not complain.

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