
Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Gratefulness, Love, Oppressing Thoughts or Mind Matters, Relationships, Struggles, Uncertainty in Transitions of Life

Where to Find Light in the Dark Places of Life

Have you ever had an exhilarating day and then received a phone call concerning your mom or dad that changed everything? This happens more and more when your birthdays surpass the fifty-year mark, and your parent’s health begins to weaken.

My mother always suffered from mental and physical illnesses, so I never saw her as invincible only frail. On the other hand, as a teenager, I never thought about my dad’s health until he had a heart attack at the age of fifty-five. continue reading

Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Gratefulness, Love, Struggles

Our Savior and the Kingdom of Heaven

Have you ever wondered if Jesus knew how his life would unfold once he started sharing the gospel? From the start people’s ideas of how the Messiah would fulfill scripture was twisted. The Jewish people, God’s chosen people, believed the promised Messiah would come to save them from the oppression of Earthly kings in a military style. They assumed their…

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Featured, Gratefulness, Love

Faith Released – Blessings Received

“Truly, I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 Yesterday, a young boy in the produce aisle politely asked his Mom for graham crackers. His Mom agreed to pick them up because he’d made a good snack choice.  She told him they had twenty aisles to go through…

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