
Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Love, Perfectionism, Relationships, Struggles

Create Your Fresh Beginning

You cannot run before you roll over or crawl and you cannot skip the steps of healing. You will need to cross the paradigm bridge from where you are to your fresh beginning of living in Christ’s design of love. Your healing will be much like a chick breaking out of its shell or a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon.

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Oppressing Thoughts or Mind Matters, Perfectionism, Struggles, Uncertainty in Transitions of Life

What to do With Your Question . . Why?

You know the favorite question of a three-year-old—why? Why do clouds float? Why can’t birds talk? Why do bugs have so many legs? Why am I so small? The endless curiosity of little children and their questions provide them with information to try and make sense of the big world they are experiencing. Their innocence and inquisitiveness create a magical…

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Perfectionism, Struggles

Is Swankles a Word?

The Oxford Dictionary editors add approximately 1000 words a year. The evolution of technology and the words the new generations create will continue to expand our vocabulary. However, just because I have had a few more birthdays does not mean I have lost my creativity. My mother had a large vocabulary, and she loved to teach me big words which…

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