
Featured, Relationships

7 Steps to Keep God Priority During the Holiday Season

“Schedules, your parents, my parents, our stepparents, gifts, and dinners. I’m already stressed thinking about all these things to juggle, and the holiday season is just beginning.” I overheard a wife share with her husband at the store. You could see the joy drain from his face as she shared her thoughts and feelings. The Holidays can be a Trigger…

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Love and Marriage Christian, Relationships, Struggles, Uncategorized

What Does it Mean to Love like Jesus in Your Marriage?

My husband says he loves me, yet, his words and actions don’t feel like love. I’m trying to love him like Jesus, but what does that really mean as a wife and a husband?  Realization Creates Opportunity When I think of how many times I asked myself this question in my previous unhealthy marriage, I’m reminded of how confused I…

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