
Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Relationships

Discover Where You Belong

God designed us with a spiritual desire to belong to Him from birth, but we don’t know it. In our unawareness, we try to feel like we belong by pleasing other people. We may try to join groups, cults, or organizations to feel connected. However, nothing on this broken earth can fill our spiritual need to belong to our Father and Creator, God.

Unfortunately, receiving salvation doesn’t instantly download us with the knowledge and understanding of who we are in Christ and that we are adopted into God’s family. (Eph. 1:5) Most of us don’t have an instant feeling of belonging, which is confusing. However, our feelings and unawareness of God’s truth don’t change the fact that we belong to God.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Love, Relationships

How to Feel Loved Unconditionally

One fact of our human condition is our longing and need to have loving contact with other people. When we don’t experience healthy love in our childhood, our drive to feel loved makes us self-focused. Our self-focus affects how we see ourselves, others, and our relationship with Jesus.
Feeling love-starved for most of my life influenced what I believed about love. The pain in my past taught me that any attention, good or bad, was to be considered “love.” With this understanding and definition of love, I excused any unhealthy and abusive words and actions as long as there was “love.”

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Love, Love and Marriage Christian, Relationships

How to Tell if Your Love Design Follows Christ’s

If you’re a disciple of Christ, and you sense that you’re stuck in an unhealthy or abusive cycle of communication or behaviors in your marriage, listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As you learn from this blog post, there are various factors that many Christians are never made aware of or taught. However, now you know that you have an option to learn how to operate in Christ’s love design instead of using your broken love design.

You can stop struggling to fix your marriage and learn about Christ’s love design. As you work with him and uncover the lies you have believed, he will transform your definition and design of love into his. When you’re using Christ’s love design, you take the tug of wills between your broken love design and your spouse’s out of your relationship.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Love, Relationships

Healthy Friendships: Christ’s Guidelines

If you keep going through friendships, stop, and consider what these past friends have said. Do you demand continual contact or an immediate response to your calls, texts, or emails? Do you get hurt, mad, or any other negative emotion when the person is not responding according to your expectations. Do you think “if only she would _____ then our friendship would be great.” If any of these statements are true for you, it’s vital for you to recognize that you have an unhealthy definition of friendship with unattainable expectations.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Relationships

Learning to Love Yourself after an Abusive Relationship

One of the most frightening and traumatic experiences in life faced by women is being verbally, mentally, psychologically, financially, physically, or spiritually abused by the person they love. Faced with violence and abuse, Christian women are also faced with a spiritual dilemma, should I go or should I stay? Even after making the difficult choice of separation or divorcing an…

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