

Prepare for New Growth

Spring is just around the corner! Many of us are already thinking about what we will plant or starting plants from seeds in preparation. However, to grow a healthy plant, you have to make sure you have healthy soil. This reality also applies to our spiritual health. Evaluating Your Mind and Heart’s Soil is Crucial Jesus taught people in parables…

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Top Factor in a Healthy Relationship: You Are One Half of Your Relationship

How can your relationship be healthy if you are not healthy? It’s easy to look at the other person in your relationship first, but a relationship requires two people. Although we all desire to have happy, healthy relationships, the only person in the relationship you have the power to change is yourself with the help of Jesus. Jesus tells us…

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Love and Marriage Christian, Relationships, Struggles, Uncategorized

What Does it Mean to Love like Jesus in Your Marriage?

My husband says he loves me, yet, his words and actions don’t feel like love. I’m trying to love him like Jesus, but what does that really mean as a wife and a husband?  Realization Creates Opportunity When I think of how many times I asked myself this question in my previous unhealthy marriage, I’m reminded of how confused I…

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