
Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Oppressing Thoughts or Mind Matters, Struggles, Uncertainty in Transitions of Life

Does Faith in Jesus Automatically Fix Everything?

Have you ever wondered why faith does not automatically fix everything? Jesus never said if you believe in me I will make all your choices, consequences, and life easy. In fact, Jesus himself showed us our decision to follow God, and think and act like God’s character, will be challenging in this broken world with imperfect people. However, these facts…

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Gratefulness, Love, Struggles

Our Savior and the Kingdom of Heaven

Have you ever wondered if Jesus knew how his life would unfold once he started sharing the gospel? From the start people’s ideas of how the Messiah would fulfill scripture was twisted. The Jewish people, God’s chosen people, believed the promised Messiah would come to save them from the oppression of Earthly kings in a military style. They assumed their…

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Perfectionism, Struggles

Is Swankles a Word?

The Oxford Dictionary editors add approximately 1000 words a year. The evolution of technology and the words the new generations create will continue to expand our vocabulary. However, just because I have had a few more birthdays does not mean I have lost my creativity. My mother had a large vocabulary, and she loved to teach me big words which…

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