Change Your Love Design: Change Your Life

“What are you doing?” My husband asked as he tried to walk into the office.

“I’m spring-cleaning,” I replied.

Every drawer was pulled out, the closets were emptied in piles all over the floor, and I barely had a place to sit. The office looked like a tornado had landed. When I decide to clean, everything comes out. I create three piles. One pile to keep, one pile to share, and one pile to throw away.

My style of cleaning may be extreme to some people. However, when I’m done spring-cleaning, I feel like everything is fresh, organized, and I know where everything is. In many ways, my way of cleaning helps me purge the old and make space for the new changes to come.

As I spring-clean, I also like to change my surroundings from time to time. The change gives me a new perspective, and I am open to the adventures God will bring my way. When your open to change, you’re also open to new knowledge and wisdom which changes everything.

What Happens When?

  • What would your life look like when you feel respected and honored by your boyfriend or husband?
  • How does it feel to know you are safe, secure, and loved, like Christ himself?
  • What confidence would you have to pursue your dreams and to fulfill your unique role God has for you in his grand plan?

Take a few moments and picture the loving spouse in your life. Feel the joy and peace in your relationship. For some of you, this picture seems impossible right now. No matter how impossible it may seem, I encourage you to picture the best life you could have with someone or even by yourself as you live in Christ’s presence. I know from personal experience that until you hold onto the hand of Jesus and let him be your light, it’s difficult to start walking forward out of the darkness, He’s your hope and your strength.

Transformation Begins with Jesus

When we were born into this world, we were born into sin. But God sent his son, Jesus, so we can have the opportunity to be “born again,” in him.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away: behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

As we live in Christ, we have God’s abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness to reign in life right now through Jesus. Jesus showed us his exceptional love design as he lived on the earth, as he was crucified, as he rose again, and as he left us with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

His love design of honor and respect is our only pure and unchanging love standard. As we walk with Jesus hand-in-hand and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, our broken love design is transformed and changed into his. Only Jesus can transform your love, your heart, your mind, and your life.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 NIV

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV 

Surrendering and following the heart, character, and example of Christ’s life can only happen as you dwell in him. You can’t stop your sinful desires, habits, or disobedience without Christ. However, when you study God’s word, and you allow Christ to flow through you, he will help you flee from temptation and overcome your life’s challenges as you are changed into his likeness.

Count the Cost of Not Changing

Whenever you wake up, you will experience change. You can’t stop change, and you can’t stop your body from dying. Change in your life will come. To help you choose your path forward, it’s always good to count the cost of change. Here are some questions to help you.

  • Will you embrace change and get excited, will you ignore it, or will you try to push it back?
  • What will it cost you to keep using your broken love design instead of changing to Christ’s?
  • What has your broken love design cost you concerning your dreams, joy, peace, faith, and career?
  • Have you suffered an abusive relationship like I did?
  • Have you become abusive without knowing?
  • What design of love have you modeled for your children?
  • How will their love design affect their lives and your grandchildren’s?

Be Courageous

Take a few minutes and write down the answers to these questions on a piece of paper, in your handwriting. Don’t let the devil bring up feelings of guilt or shame as you answer these questions. Write your answers to state the facts of what it has cost you to live in your broken love design. It’s too easy to forget and to discount the price you have paid in your mind. You cannot hide from the facts written in black and white. Seeing the love, honor, and respect in Christ’s love design makes it easier to embrace the process of changing your broken love design.

God tells us to count the cost to keep us mindful of the consequences we will face with every choice we make. Our heart is the most precious gift we have to share with Jesus and others. We are instructed to make sure it is honored and respected as we live in Christ.

It’s time to make sure you can live the life you dreamed of in Christ’s exceptional love design. Only you can take the next step to learn how to partner with Jesus and change your broken love design. Begin your journey of transformation by scheduling your FREE 45-minute discovery session with me at

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