Christ’s Love Can Change the World

Christ’s Love Can Change the World

Imagine a world that loved like Jesus Christ! We would have respect for everyone. We would help those in need without any selfish motives. We would speak kind, gentle, and peaceful words. We would not have bullying, prejudices, or any type of abuse.

How We Can Change the World in Christ

When you choose to walk hand in hand with Jesus Christ as his disciple, this reality is possible!

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt 19:26, NIV)

It’s easy to get pulled into the tug of war between people, preferences, and emotions and lose sight of the only one who walked the earth in perfect love, morals, values, priorities, and standards. This person was fully man and fully God. He is our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to earth and lived among us to show us how to live and love like him. He endured the realities of living on this broken earth. Jesus saw crucifixions, governments vying for control, and all the hardships people faced because of these conditions. He showed us it is possible to love others as you love yourself equally when you love God first and foremost. The conditions in the world didn’t change his example of perfect love.

Revelation, Choice, and Action Brings Change

God created us with the freedom and power to choose. We must decide if we are going to learn and choose to do something new or if we will keep repeating our painful history. Will you truly be Christ’s disciple and learn from him as you work together or will you follow the world or your imperfect thoughts, heart, and desires?

The only true healing and permanent change in my life came from learning who Jesus is by developing a close and personal relationship with him. As I have come to know him as my friend and LORD, I have chosen to work with him, and he has healed and transformed my heart and mind to be more like his. I am far from perfect like him. However, I have come a long way.

My journey of faith with Jesus has brought healing, freedom, joy, peace, and his exceptional love design into my life. His love design is a clear path to follow to help me see how I was deceived and what lies I believed about true love, myself, others, and God. Christ’s new insight has also helped me know that as I love and live like him to the best of my ability, my imperfect love is being transformed into his amazing love.

Your Power to Choose Changes Your Life

Many of us are not in a position of power or authority in the world’s eyes. However, as a disciple of Christ, we have the opportunity to change the loving environment we walk in every day, just like Jesus did. We have the power to choose who we will follow as our ultimate authority. We will choose what morals, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, emotions, words, and actions we will focus on and do.

Our decisions affect our home, the people we are around, and our sphere of influence. The choices we make include choosing to love like Christ or to use our imperfect and broken love design. We are responsible for all we say and do. So, why not focus on using the only perfect love and example of Jesus that walked the earth.

Time for You to Choose

Nothing in your love design, your relationships, or your life will change unless you learn something new and put it into practice.

  • What would happen if you studied and imitated Christ’s heart, focus, motives, and loving words, attitudes, and actions?
  • How would that hurt you or anyone around you?
  • How would that help you and build up others around you?
  • What have you got to lose if things don’t change?

Take some time and answer the previous questions. When you are ready to learn and love like Christ, seek him with your whole heart in prayer, in God’s word, and through praise music. As you study his life and work with him, he will show you his love and transform your imperfect love to be more like his. Take Christ’s hand and learn to live in his exceptional love!


If you are ready to learn about his love design, sign up for the launch announcement of Quest for Exceptional Love, transform your love and relationships through Christ’s design coming soon! Learn more about Quest for Exceptional Love!