Christ’s Peace Comes From Clarity and a Path

“Just believe, and you will feel God’s peace,” a Christian friend replied when I asked them how to feel His peace. Their reply didn’t answer my question. Instead, I began to wonder if I just didn’t have enough faith or if I was doing something wrong. The truth about my confusion was the fact that I couldn’t do what I didn’t know how to do. I don’t make this statement as an excuse, but a fact.

Lack of Knowledge Doesn’t Bring Peace

You may want to be a surgeon, but unless you go to school, you will not learn this skill. Many people, including myself, grew up believing that whatever we needed spiritually would automatically be provided by Christ. In one sense, we did receive all of Christ’s love, peace, and the fruits of the Holy Spirit when we accepted him into our hearts.

However, we are responsible for learning about his gifts, fruit, characteristics, heart, peace, and ways to work with him. Unless we realize and commit to working with Jesus to learn to live in his peace flowing in us, we will not be able to dwell in its full abundance. Not knowing we are responsible for participating with Jesus to learn how to flow in his peace leaves many Christians frustrated, confused, and doubting their Christ identity and faith.

The enemy lives in the dark spaces between the truth of God we know and what we don’t know in his word or how our faith is worked out. Jesus told us that we error because we don’t know the word of God or his power. (Matt 22:29) The problem with not knowing or assuming something opens us up to being deceived. To add to many Christian’s confusion is the fact that we are not shown a clear path to understand what the peace of Jesus is, how it works, what we need to do with Jesus to let it flow.

You can Live in Christ’s Peace

Jesus didn’t leave us in the dark about his peace because he knew we would face heartache, temptation, difficult or abusive relationships, divorce, sickness, and other unexpected challenges in life. He lived his life showing us what his peace was about and how it directly connects to our relationship with God. The Bible is our instruction manual to help us show other believers a clear path to dwell in the peace of Jesus Christ as he lives in us. Without the knowledge of Christ’s peace, we can miss it even when we are in the middle of heartbreak.

To help you understand Christ’s peace in a clear path, I have created a Bible study to take you from your unawareness and confusion to dwelling in Christ’s peace. This study gives you a clear path in God’s word and practical tools to help you discover and overcome what is disrupting or blocking Christ’s peace in you.

A Picture of Christ’s Peace

As you work with Jesus, you will be empowered by God’s truth and promises. You will deepen your relationship with Jesus. You will have the opportunity to choose to grow your trust in him and to live as a disciple of Christ.

  • Christ’s Peace is your life-line to walk through the struggles in your life hand in hand with Jesus
  • Christ’s Peace is your strength when you do not think you can take one more step
  • Christ’s peace is your power to surrender and trust Jesus to fill you with his peace that passes all human understanding.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6-7, NIV)

Come and journey with me as I help you learn to let Christ’s peace flow through you. You can thrive in his peace no matter what challenges you face right now or in the future.

For more information about the Bible study from 6/11-7/9 go to Ignite Christ’s Peace in You and Overcome Your Fears Bible Study NOW!