Dependence is Freedom

How can dependence be freedom, you may be asking? You may have come to believe independence is freedom. However, what freedom or independence does not originate or dependent on someone’s rules, values, and morals?

The concept behind our Declaration of Independence for the United States was created to establish our country as a self-governing entity with the values and morals established by the leaders.

At the Core of Independence

Behind all independence is a choice to FOLLOW a set of rules created by someone. Even if you tell yourself you make your own rules, you are committing to follow or depend on someone, yourself. Regardless of individual choices, you are still subject to the consequences of the laws of nature and the various authorities in your town, state, and life.

From the time we start making our own choices we begin to ask why and to say no. We assert a healthy independence to help us become our own person. God created us to have some natural independence to help us explore our curiosities, discover and strengthen our abilities, and to understand how to live in this world.

Danger of Independence from God

Unfortunately, our ability to be independent can often deceive us into believing we can and must control our lives. The world echo’s this message throughout the media along with adding your emotions into the mix. The phrase, “If it feels good, just do it because you deserve it,” reflects a disastrous mindset. When your choices are based on feelings hooked to selfish desires, you lose sight of the effects and consequences your decisions have on others and yourself.

Acting from your feelings separates you from common sense and logic. Unbridled emotions catch you up in unhealthy and sinful thinking, habits, and reactions. If you are not careful, the choices you make to feel happy, chilled-out, numb, powerful, sexually desired and satisfied, or escaping your life will become your master.

History shows us that when imperfect people use their independence to get what they desire without any consideration of others and a foundation of love and honor, the result is hurt, abuse, and devastation.

Your Power to Choose

God created us with the ability to choose and grow from our independence of others in our first eighteen years of life. He also designed us to understand that we need to learn to depend on a Savior because we are imperfect. In our revelations that come through an intimate relationship with Jesus, we learn that we can trust and depend on him to never leave us and to guide us.

When we choose to depend on Jesus to be the origination of our thoughts, morals, values, and character, we are not self-focused. Our choice to trust and depend on him creates freedom. We don’t have to decide what is good, right, just, honorable, or loving. All the weight of the world is not on our shoulders. All our mistakes and struggles with sin are not what defines us with Christ in us.

Benefits of Depending on Jesus

Our dependence on Jesus gives us access to God’s wisdom, knowledge, and power to overcome the challenges we face, just like he did. Depending on him is like being tucked under God’s wing; loved, cherished, and chosen. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Psalms 91:4 NLT

If you hold to the belief that being totally independent and not needing anyone is best for you, who will be there for you when you need someone to talk to, someone to take care of you after surgery, someone you trust to have your back?

What About Trusting People

We were created for relationships, and this means we must choose to have some trust and dependence on people. However, you must be wise about who you trust and to what degree. Guard your trust. Do not trust your heart and life to people who have continually hurt, disrespected or abused you. Trust is a gift you have the power to give, not an entitlement someone demands.

Who Will You Choose to Trust?

Who can you trust to love you unconditionally, to know the right answers, never abandon you, and to know what is best for you? Can you trust your imperfect self or will you choose to trust and depend on Jesus?

Dependence is freedom when you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. He proved you were worth dying for and giving you the opportunity to live with him forever. Be courageous and depend on your Savior!

Isaiah 41:13 NIV “For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’