Does Faith in Jesus Automatically Fix Everything?

Have you ever wondered why faith does not automatically fix everything? Jesus never said if you believe in me I will make all your choices, consequences, and life easy. In fact, Jesus himself showed us our decision to follow God, and think and act like God’s character, will be challenging in this broken world with imperfect people. However, these facts do not change our purpose of faith—to love God with all we are first; and to love others as we love ourselves.

Jesus made a choice to love us unconditionally when he came to earth to be our example and sacrifice. When Jesus rose from the tomb and promised to be with us always, he made a way for us to choose to walk hand in hand with him on this earth. Your seed of faith was implanted in your heart. Your faith is not automatically accelerated to a mature condition at your salvation.

Do not be deceived into thinking that living in faith is all up to Jesus. You will have to decide to understand how to take care of your living faith and nurture it to reap a harvest for Christ. In other words, Jesus wants you to show him your heart is choosing to love and follow him unconditionally by living in faith.

Faith in Jesus Christ is a choice of the heart to mirror the character of Jesus. Faith is revealed in your thoughts, words, motives, attitudes, and actions of our life. Your faith is the direct connection to Jesus and all of his wisdom, discernment, strength, love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, kindness, and self-control. Faith empowers us on this earth to become more like Christ as we share this good news to whosoever would listen and believe. Faith is our spiritual blood on earth. It works in us and through us to reach others. Faith was implanted in us to show us what it means to live in an intimate relationship with Jesus every day in our brokenness. Faith was created to heal and transform our hearts, minds, and spirits in preparation for heaven.

Picture Jesus continually holding your hand throughout your day or carrying you when you do not think you can take one more step. Let this picture of faith be an unbreakable bond between you and Jesus, because it is.  Faith is not only your opportunity to receive salvation, but faith is your help, transformation, and empowerment to thrive in life and not just survive. Be courageous and live in growing faith!

What has been your picture of faith?