How Sickness Can Increase Your Faith

Today I lay horizontal on my couch again for the second day with pain in my throat and limbs. To keep my hope, I think about last week when I ran around effortlessly doing chores, running errands, and spending time with my family.

We all face sickness but some of us, like my mother, lived in a continual state of illness in her mind and body. Some days it was a feat for her to get out of bed and get dressed. However, one of the most amazing character traits she emanated was her ability to be grateful and not complain.

One day I asked her why she never complained. She said it was because she had lived the scripture verse found in Philippians 4:12. Mom quoted, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” She said her strength secret comes from the Lord. She also said the day she has a Christopher Reeves day would be a bad day. Until then, she would be grateful and press on.

Mom endured terrible pain and heartache from birth into her teenage years from alcoholic parents. She said her Grandmother told her about Jesus and once she had him in her heart, she felt different. This difference made her the greatest woman of faith and gratitude I have ever had the honor to know. She taught me to reach for God’s strength when I am weary, to find His peace and hope even when I did not feel like it or see it. I pray someday this will be second nature for me as it was for her, but I am not there yet.

I am so grateful for my good health and the reality that my current body is not my last one. I will face sickness at times, but I am grateful for the opportunity to trust Jesus at all times. Because my body is the temple of God, I will do my best to care for it that I may serve and honor God on the earth. Sickness reminds me of my limits in this imperfect body, how frail this earth suit can be, and how blessed I am to have Jesus to walk through every aspect of life with me.

What do you do to nurture your faith when you are physically sick?