How to Find Your Value?

Where does your value originate?

Who is the perfect person to determine your importance, worth, and usefulness?

How would your mindset, dreams, and faith change when you KNEW and lived in your priceless value “in-Christ?”

What is Value?

The dictionary defines value as: held to deserve; importance, worth, or usefulness. Whenever you hear the word value, you often associate it with the words, self-worth, and self-esteem. The dictionary defines self-esteem as: confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect. Both definitions place you or other imperfect people as the one who determines your value.

Origin of Your Value

Because you’re not born knowing your value as the creation of God, you determine your value from your messages, beliefs, experiences, and the world’s ideals first. To know you are valued is one of your ultimate needs. When you don’t hear messages affirming your value, or you are treated with disrespect as you grow up, you’ll feel less than others.

The value you place on yourself growing up IS what you believe about yourself. You will think, speak, act, and live in the value you have accepted as your truth. You will continue to live feeling less than others until you change your truth.

When you believe God created every aspect of you and you live in your Christ-identity, your value is priceless. God revealed your value as “worthy” of Christ, his only Son, dying for your sins on the cross. He made a way for Jesus to live in you on this broken earth through the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, you are reconnected with God as you live in Christ’s value.

When Jesus came to live in you through Salvation, you became a “new creation” in Christ. His attributes became yours. His righteousness became yours. His value became yours.

You may not totally think like Jesus or feel his value right now, but it doesn’t change the truth, you are in-Christ’s value. Your true value comes from who made you and whose identity you stand in. The only way to see your priceless value is to learn Christ’s truth and partner with him.

When you know and believe God and Jesus established your priceless value, you are free to live in your uniqueness. Living in the confidence of being a child of God eliminates your need to create your own value. Letting Christ’s value flow through you lets you live in his value and know you are worth dying for.

Remember, the devil has influence over earth and those who open a door to him. He uses deception, accusation, and guilt to deceive you into questioning your identity which is linked to your perceived value. Don’t be tricked by the devil, the world, or your past messages and experiences. As a disciple of Jesus, you are a child of God.

Your ultimate need to be valued is calling you to discover and return to the loving priceless value God created you with, His love. Jesus is waiting to help you live in Christ-esteem instead of your self-esteem. As you grow in a progressive personal relationship with Jesus and walk hand-in-hand with him, he will transform your mind and heart to believe and receive his value as yours.

Proclaim Your Value

You will continue to be deceived about your value as long as you don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God. To help you see God’s word is for you, I have included God’s truth from the Bible with a personalized version in a prayer you can proclaim to know you are priceless to Christ.

See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands… (Is. 49:16)

(God, thank you for inscribing me on the palms of Your hands. I choose to see that you value me so much that you are forever holding me in your hands.)

(God, thank you that) I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Gal. 2:20)

For we are God’s masterpiece… (Eph. 2:10)

(God, thank you that I am your hand designed masterpiece. Jesus help me partner with you and learn how to live in my priceless value of you dying for me. Help my life reflect your value as I walk confidently in your value instead of what the world says I am. I proclaim and take my place, value, and authority as a child of God)

Live in Your Value

You were knit together by the Creator of the universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God who never makes mistakes or never changes His love and value for you. Only you can choose to live like you believe Him as you walk with Jesus or to believe imperfect people’s opinions and the lies of the devil. Take Christ’s hand and live in your priceless value!

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