How to Live in the Magic of Disneyland Every Day With Jesus

My husband and our grandson have never experienced the magic of Disneyland until last week. It was a joy to see them watching elephants, hippos, and Parana while meandering through the Jungle Boat Ride, and experience the drama and excitement on the Indiana Jones Adventure. Although seventeen years have elapsed since I last visited Disneyland, the park remains magical, and in immaculate condition.

Walt Disney believed everyone has dreams, imagination, and endless potential. He made it his mission to light these sparks in the heart of every person who walked the streets of Disneyland to show them anything is possible. His attention to the smallest detail from the exterior trims and colors to the interior curtains, chandeliers, inviting décor, and costumes in each section of the park make it easy to believe you are in another world.

As we grow up and become entwined in the responsibilities and chaos we generate in life; we often forget we were designed by God to be creative, to dream, and to discover all the possibilities inside of us. Even though I have been a Christian most of my life, I spent several decades void of dreams and uncertain I had very much to offer. I felt stuck and unsure about my future. All this changed in my mid-thirties when I realized I was focusing on the challenging circumstances and my perceived flaws. I had allowed myself to become blind to many blessings in my life, and as a result, deaf to the gentle voice of Jesus. I had let the trials and wounds in my life overshadow the amazing truth that when I walk hand-in-hand with Jesus, all things are possible.

Just as Disneyland provides you with an atmosphere to believe, dream, and create in our physical world, dwelling with Jesus helps you live in this atmosphere internally all the time, even if you do not feel it. When your heart and spirit grow, partner, and live in the awe, trust, and power of Jesus Christ you will experience the impossible in the middle of life’s storms. You will find peace with everyone is anxious. You will see beyond the anger of a person and see their hurt with compassion. You will choose to do good even when others are doing evil.

Disneyland has been called the “happiest place on earth,” and I would agree it is one of them. However, once you leave the park, how will you keep your dreams, creativity, and pursue all you can be in this broken world? Will you turn to yourself of the imperfect self-serving ways of the world? Will you turn to Jesus, the perfect love who died for you so he could live inside you?

Disneyland is a magical destination but being a disciple of Jesus allows you to live in all of his love, joy, peace, patience, forgiveness, power, and blessings that only grow as your relationship flourishes. In Christ, you have the happiest place inside of you always on this earth. However, one day you will live in the happiest and perfect place of heaven for eternity. You will never leave, and you will live in the impossible made possible!