How to Thrive in Your Unique Identity

Billions of dollars are spent annually on advertising telling you how to fix or improve yourself. The world’s messages deceive you into believing that who you are is not good enough. They lead you to subconsciously believe that you were created defective—according to their imperfect ideas and measures.

The Hook of Deception

The world doesn’t celebrate or accept your uniqueness because if they do, they have no influence or control over you. The media builds images for young girls and boys to follow that are unrealistic and unhealthy. They don’t take into account your bone structure or your healthy body size.

You also add more pressure on yourself to conform to the world’s ideals when you have grown up feeling love starved, with low self-esteem, and like you don’t fit in. The standards of the world can make you think that if you become what they want, you will feel loved, valued, and like you belong. The lure of having your needs met keeps you believing the lies.

Christians aren’t immune from believing these lies because they aren’t instantly filled with the knowledge and understanding of God when they received Salvation. Even after believers are saved, most of them don’t learn who they are in Christ. They are not taught through discipleship how to live thriving in their unique God design. They aren’t taught how to partner with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to grow and mature their faith throughout their life.

Without this knowledge, most believers grow up determining their identity from their messages, beliefs, heritage, achievements, status, failures, and life experiences. Believers try to follow Christ, but they don’t know how to truly believe and live in their new Christ-like identity. Until you know and live like you believe that you are a child of God and a new creation in Christ Jesus, you will continue to live deceived and act from your old flesh focused ways.

Freedom from God’s Truth

God created you with his hands. Yes, every detail to the number of hairs on your head, size, talents, skills, and quirks. He also gives you the choice to choose to live in Christ or to live your life through your flesh and sin focused desires.

Choosing to follow Jesus is only half of being his disciple. A discipleship is like an apprenticeship. It means you have to spend quality time with him every day to learn who he is and therefore who you are in him. Only through a progressive personal relationship with Jesus will you come to know and live in your identity, a child of the God, who created everything.

Walking hand-in-hand with Jesus every day helps you realize how your specific talents, skills, challenges, and quirks can help you and others. The lessons you have learned in your life help you grow your faith, help you encourage others, and bring glory to God when you love others as you love yourself.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV

God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

God doesn’t create any duplicates. Even identical twins have differences in looks, personalities, talents, skills, and quirks. God knit you together in your mother’s womb for His specific purpose for you and others. Don’t’ believe the lie of the world that you need to change who you are.

Instead, seek to know Jesus with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. In him you will see that you are wonderfully and fearfully made. You are the design and the divine appointment of God. Be who you are in Christ, a courageous and fearless child of God!

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

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