“Oh, God, how will I get through today? How can I make sure my husband won’t hurt my sons or me? I’m terrified, overwhelmed, and I have no power.”

These were my thoughts, emotions, and words most mornings while I was married to my first abusive husband for thirteen years. His abuse fed the fear and powerlessness I was feeling and thinking. I lived in this turmoil and torture until I began to recognize my power to choose my thoughts, emotions, and words in any situation.

We are Transformed in Christ

We can all change with new knowledge and the determination to put it into practice. However, I only experienced a life transformation in my heart, mind, emotions, and spirit as I committed to following the heart, character, and ways of Jesus Christ. As I walked with him in learning who I was in his identity, I began to see I had the power and responsibility to choose how I let others treat me.

As disciples of Jesus, we have all the aspects within the power of Christ that raised him from the dead living in us. We have his discernment, understanding, wisdom, goodness, self-control, and obedience to God. Jesus used his power to love God first and foremost. He also used it to love others as he loved himself.

Christ’s power is about healing, restoration, renewal. Therefore, our sense of power must follow his guidelines. As we experience difficult or abusive relationships, we have the opportunity to show them God’s love as we choose to live in healthy boundaries. Don’t mistake loving others, or being a “good Christian,” as allowing them to disrespect and abuse you.

It is never God’s will for you to be abused. You have the power of Christ to learn how to live in his love. If you are in an abusive relationship, seek professional help to talk with an expert. Call your local women’s shelter or the Domestic Abuse Hotline at 800-799-7233.

Powerful or Powerless

There is no way to avoid the hurt, challenges, or struggles in this broken world, whether you are a disciple of Christ or unsaved. However, you can choose how you will face your day and all that comes your way. Will you stand in the power of Christ living in you? Will you live like you are powerless? The truth is, you will have to choose. You can’t live powerful and powerless at the same time.

Living in Christ’s power isn’t about controlling others or every situation. It is about living and obeying God like he did every day. His power looks for opportunities to serve, to love, and to be his message. He chose life-giving words and he also set healthy boundaries. He didn’t force his will or even what was best on them. Jesus asked people questions and let them choose.

Knowing God and Your Christ Identity Changes Everything

To understand your power to change and to be transformed into Christ’s likeness, you have to know who you are as a disciple of Christ and a child of God. You can find these answers in God’s word and through the help of some amazing books about your identity in Christ. Once you see, believe, and know how to access the power of Christ living in you, you will have his power to change.

In our imperfect human condition, we can only do what we know. If you are ready to step into living like you are powerful in Christ’s love and strength, then it’s time to start spending time with him. Start studying verses or passages of his love in the Bible. Start listening to only praise music and see how he speaks to your mind, heart, and soul. Find a Bible study and connect with other Christians on their journey of faith.

Your power to choose is yours alone. We all must choose to truly follow Jesus or to keep trying to change or find power on our own. Jesus is waiting to take your hand to help you live in his love and power. Be courageous and choose to be powerful through Christ!

If you struggle with fear, download my FREE Overcome Fear Guide Now!