Is There Perfect Love in the World?

 Is There Perfect Love in the World?

History is filled with many people who have made sacrifices to help or save others. Rosa Parks played a crucial role in civil rights like Martin Luther King, Jr. Mother Teresa shows pure love to the less fortunate, especially children. Military men have given their lives to save their brothers in arms and the innocent. 

The Bible is also filled with people willing to share God’s pure love in Christ’s Gospel message. The most astounding story of pure love comes from the only perfect person, Jesus. We see Christ’s pure love in his willingness to die for all our sins, so we have the opportunity to choose to live for him on earth and into eternity.

Jesus Changed Our Definition and Understanding of Perfect Love

Jesus told his disciples, “This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you.” (John 15:12, NIV)

Jesus not only told us his commandment, but he showed us the ultimate example of how to love others throughout his life. The perfect love of Christ contained many aspects believers are not often taught. As Jesus was fully God and fully man, his example teaches us that we can love and serve God above all while living in our imperfect human condition.

Respect is seen in Christ’s pure love as he meets people where they are without judgment or condemnation. Jesus uses truth in love as he shares stories and the ways of God, which connects to people’s hearts and souls. The truth Jesus shares gives them an opportunity to see themselves, others, and God through Christ’s pure love.

Grace is the outpouring of Christ’s pure love to all sinful people who deserve death and judgment. However, Jesus became our sin. For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God’s goodness into us!” (2 Cor. 5:21, TLB)  

When Jesus chose to pay the penalty for every sin done by every person that was or will be born, his love became our grace. There is no perfect love without the grace of Jesus. As Jesus dwells inside of all believers who choose to follow him, they always have access to his perfect love.

Christ’s Perfect Love is Healthy

Healthy relationships are a part of Christ’s everyday life. He works with his closest friends as partners as he teaches them and holds them accountable. He eats and laughs with them. Jesus forgives them and restores his relationships with people who truly repented, like Peter.

We never see Jesus being degrading, disrespectful, manipulating, begging, arguing, or using any form of abuse to share God’s truth with them. Jesus had healthy boundaries to guard his heart, mind, and body until it was time for him to go to the cross. Not all acts of perfect love on this broken planet end with death.

Many acts of perfect love are seen when no one is looking. When someone helps an older person unexpectedly or brings a homeless person a coat. When a neighbor cooks a meal for their sick neighbor. When a person talks to the person hiding in the corner, these are all acts of Christ’s perfect love.

Many believers are confused or unaware of the various aspects of Christ’s love because they primarily focus on his sacrifice on the cross. They may also be confused because of their imperfect definition of love created from the unhealthy or toxic abusive role models in their life. Unless believers know all the aspects of Christ’s perfect love from his life in God’s word, they will continue to operate from their imperfect definition and understanding of love.

Jesus shows us that our life will have trials, tests, and heartache, just as he did. He also shows us that we can walk in his perfect love and power as we share God’s truth and his grace to everyone around us. Jesus never called us to allow ourselves to be doormats or abused in our relationships.
“Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own.” (1 Cor. 6:19, AMPC)

Jesus said we would be persecuted for our faith. However, persecution is different than allowing people to hurt us just because they want to.

God’s Pure Love is seen Through Christ

To live a life operating from the perfect love of Jesus Christ, you must have a deep personal relationship with him. Grow your relationships through prayer, worship, and by studying your Bible. As you dwell with him, you can look at people through His loving eyes of respect and priceless value.

Think what encouraging words Jesus would say to them and what he would do for them. Think about the healthy boundaries he would set and hold his closest friends to in a healthy partnership. Whatever Jesus would think, say, or do and love, we must do through his perfect love as his disciples!

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. (John 8:31, NLT)