Jesus Our Savior is Born!

Jesus Our Savior is Born!

Only Mary and Joseph knew Jesus was the Son of God until he came into the world announced by angels and illuminated by the star of Bethlehem. Oh, the excitement, uncertainty, and awe they must have felt when they held baby Jesus in their arms and kissed the face of God!


How come God let Jesus be born in a stable, one of the lowliest places to be born? What did Christ’s birth mean for the Jews? Who were they to raise the Son of God and how could they do this? These may be some of the questions in the minds of Mary and Joseph as they watched Jesus sleep and tended to his needs.

Jesus had the same needs of every baby in the world. However, God kept showing up to give Mary and Joseph provision, wisdom, and strength to raise His Son. One such night Jesus was visited by Kings and shepherds, the lowliest of people, with gifts and praise. What a mystery Jesus had to be, a Messiah in the midst of lowly surroundings and born to common people.

Jesus Our Savior

Jesus like God is the same today as he was yesterday and will be in the future. This means Jesus is willing to meet us in the darkness, the hard places, and in unusual circumstances. It means he welcomes the kings of the earth right beside the people considered lowly and all the people in between. The birth of our Savior changed everything for “whosoever” would believe he is the Son of God. In Christ we are all equally heirs with him. Jesus gives all who choose to follow him direct access to our Father God. He makes it possible for us to overcome the challenges of this world and to live with them forever in heaven.

Jesus came to this broken earth to experience all we experience and to show us how we can live a life worthy of his sacrifice. He showed us how to take our thoughts captive and maintain a loving Godly attitude. The Bible reveals Christ’s words of love, authority, and power. We can also see how to treat others with respect and honor as we repeat the words and characteristics of Jesus. The life of Jesus shows us we can live for God and overcome the challenges of this world through His amazing grace.

The life of Jesus is our path and guide to live an amazing life for God on this broken earth in the midst of other imperfect people. It’s our opportunity to shine our light pointing to Christ that reveals their opportunity to share in the life of Jesus on earth. Jesus came to show us the way, the truth, and the life is in him. Before his physical body left this earth, he made sure we knew his perfect true sacrificial love for us and the priceless value he sees in us as he paid the price for all our sins and was crucified for us. However, he didn’t stop there. He rose from the dead to show us his authority, power, and victory over sin and death.

The Miracle for Everyone

The hope and Salvation for all people came on Christmas night in the form of a baby. “She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 NIV

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