Keep the Contagious Spirit of Christmas

Keep the Contagious Spirit of Christmas

Christmas music, twinkling lights, and the smell of cinnamon and pumpkin pie pull all of your senses into the spirit of Christmas. However, your daily responsibilities, your list of presents to buy, and all of the festive arrangements you must make can often tempt you to lose the spirit of Christmas.

Christmas is the only holiday when people and communities are focused on being compassionate, generous, and caring for friends as well as strangers. During Christmas time there is a magic in the air beckoning us to be kind to our fellow man. What is there about Christmas that brings this magical essence in the air?

Source of the Spirit

The source of the spiritual essence of love in the air comes from the birth of Jesus Christ. When Jesus was born, God was walking with us on the earth once again. The birth of Christ signifies the union of heaven and earth. The prophecy of the Kingdom of heaven dwelling among us, was fulfilled. As Jesus was born, his spirit became a tangible essence on this earth. When people live in the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus dwelling in us, they are a conduit for his spirit to touch others.

Purpose of Christ’s Spirit

Christ came to this earth show us our Father God’s love in person. He came to be an example for us to follow. He shows us how to love God first, and how to love others as we love ourselves. The life of Christ confirms our opportunity to live in his freedom, forgiveness, and to know that we are right with God.

Christ gives everyone the same opportunity to receive forgiveness and Salvation. All those who choose to be a disciple of Jesus can live in his favor, love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, blessings, and power to overcome their life’s challenges. Even when Jesus left the earth, he gave us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us to guide, to correct us, and to never leave us.

Effects of Christ’s Spirit

From the moment we are saved, we have the Spirit of Jesus Christ living inside of us. Some people feel his Spirit immediately. Other people do not feel an instant change in their spirit. Whether you feel the Spirit of Jesus or you don’t, the fact remains that Jesus is living inside your heart.

Although Salvation is Christ’s gift through grace, It is your responsibility to learn about his gift and become more like Christ.  You receive salvation through invisible faith and grace. Faith is your trust in who Jesus is. Faith is your growing partnership with him to transform your mind, heart, and life. Faith is trusting Jesus to lead you and not your emotions.

As you foster a progressive relationship with Jesus Christ, you will learn to discern his spirit working in you and leading you. You will see love, joy, and peace, the fruits of your spirit flourish.

Circumstances Don’t Stop Christ’s Spirit

The most amazing thing about Jesus living in you is the fact that he will never leave you regardless of the circumstances you face. The love, joy, and peace of Jesus do not depend on or waiver from our imperfect attitudes, words, thoughts, or actions. Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Although the Christmas season is focused on Christ, we have the same capacity to live in all of his fruits and blessings dwelling in us throughout the year.

Live in Christ’s Spirit all Year Long

Some people wish it were Christmas all year long. The great news is we can have Christmas all year long, with Christ Spirit living in us. This Christmas season, ask Jesus to let his Spirit of love, joy, and peace overflow through you and out to others. Take all the warm essence of his spirit and keep it with you throughout the year. Keep growing a deeper relationship with Jesus this next year, and you will keep his spirit ignited. With Christ, in you, there is no reason you can’t feel the contagious essence of his Spirit all year long!

Jesus said, “Remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 NIV

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