Learning From Your Abuse, Breaking The Chain Of Abuse

We can learn something from every experience in life, including being a victim of abuse. When we choose to walk hand-in-hand with Jesus, he will show us insights about ourselves, revelations from God’s word, and help us break free from the mindset of abuse.

Your past doesn’t dictate your present or future when you choose to live as a disciple of Jesus. Let him help you find the right professionals to help you understand yourself and to create a healing path forward. Let him show you how to renew your mind and to live in his love, authority, and power. He’s waiting to help you break free.

How Abuse Begins

How Abuse Begins

When we’re growing up, the earliest relationships we form becomes a model for what we believe love looks like, feels like, and sounds like. We also determine our self-value and where we stand in relation to others and the rest of the world. Our relationships become the pattern for our broken love design.

We all operate in our broken love design which can include abusive words and behaviors we have come to believe are ‘normal.’ Without having a perfect love design to learn from or to follow, we will keep using our or we will conform to another person’s imperfect love design to feel loved.

Our ultimate need to feel loved will override our warning signs. If you grew up without healthy boundaries, with no knowledge of Christ’s love design, or information about the forms and signs of domestic abuse, you were vulnerable to become a victim. You don’t know what you don’t know. Therefore, you can’t do what you don’t know how to do.

Learning from Past Experience

Learning from Past Experience

To break free from the mindset and patterns of abuse, you must seek Jesus with your whole heart and walk with him. He will lead you to God’s truth and weapons for you to break out of the invisible chains of abuse. Let him help you learn from your brokenness. Let him take all your broken pieces and make you into his new masterpiece.

You are a child of God, and He has a specific mission for you. As a disciple of Jesus, receive and walk in the abundant life he died to give you. Let him show you how to find healing as you forgive your abuser while knowing you don’t ever have to trust them or be in a relationship with them ever again. Let Jesus teach you how to live free, safe, secure, and loved.

Darla Colinet, is a Christian abusive relationship coach and Christian Self-Esteem speaker. She helps Christian women overcome their abuse mindset while she inspires them to live thriving lives in Christ. Get in touch with me today at God’s Transforming Grace.com.