One of Mom’s Greatest Pearls of Wisdom

One of Mom’s Greatest Pearls of Wisdom

Sitting beside my mom’s hospital bed the day before she died, mom shared one of her greatest pearls of wisdom with me. 

She said, “My greatest joys, comfort, and peace have come from my happiest memories, the loving relationships in my life, and the people by my side. All the times I spent in the hospital remind me that I came into this world with nothing, and I will leave with nothing. But, living a life with Jesus and the loving, happy experiences I had with my loved ones are engraved in the essence of my soul forever. Whatever you do, my dear daughter, love and serve Jesus with your whole heart and create as many wonderful memories as you can with your loved ones. When you are laying in a hospital bed or on your deathbed, they are the only things you really have.”

Naked In and Naked Out

“I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. Job 1:21, NLT

My mom and this verse from Job were right. We come into the world physically naked, and no matter how much stuff we’ve accumulated or what we have accomplished, it remains on earth. The older I get, the more I realize that the tangible things in our lives are a fact of living on this broken earth in our human condition. All of them fade away, but the memories we have and the ones we leave with others linger.

What are the good memories in your life? How do they make you feel when you close your eyes and replay the memory? What good memories are you making with strangers or the ones you love that they can replay for comfort?

Challenges of Family

Not everyone has grown up in a loving, healthy home, even if their parents were religious or Christians. If you grew up in an unhealthy or abusive environment, I’m sorry for your pain. If you grew up as I did without any extended family, you know how foreign it is to think about cousins, Aunts, Uncles, or grandparents in your life. Without having close, healthy family interactions, it’s hard to believe you could have close relationships in your life. It’s also difficult to know where to begin.

Because of my unhealthy childhood, I had to learn what was healthy and how to connect with healthy people at a deeper level. It took me thirty-five years to realize that the close, healthy, loving friendships I formed with ladies from my Bible Study were much deeper than any I had experienced with my parents. My closest friends became my chosen family.

Working on Creating Good Memories

I’m so thankful that my mom and I found great healing during the last five years of her life. We were able to make some good memories that continue to bring me joy even though she is in heaven. I have also learned to work with Jesus and find healing concerning my dad. I am choosing several happy memories and letting go of the rest to keep my mind and heart healthy.

I’m also telling my family and friends know how much I love and value them when I see them. We make times to meet to make memories, and my heart overflows with joy. I refuse to let the enemy steal any of my joy or prevent me from creating lasting memories of joy for the ones I love.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. (Ecc. 4:9-10, NIV)

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph. 4:2, NIV)

Jesus Left Us With a Bible Full of Good Memories We Can Cherish

If you struggle to think of good memories in your past, start with a good comment you received. Search for a beautiful scene in nature that brings you joy or peace. We all have good memories, and we must be determined to find them as Christ’s disciples.

We also need to read over the wonderful experiences Jesus had with other people and how he works in our life. Let your heart feel his love, joy, grace, and peace. Recall the times Jesus was there for you. Intentionally take time to build new memories with him.

We Will All Pass Into Eternity

I have had the honor of being with several loved ones as they have passed from the earth into the arms of Jesus in heaven. When you know Christ Jesus is always with you, and he is waiting for you at the end of your earth life, you have peace. If you endure great suffering, as my mom did at times, you can find comfort and strength in Jesus and your good memories. 

When you take time to make good memories with the ones you love, you are giving them a gift of comfort and joy that they can replay any time they want to when you are gone. The people we leave on earth need comfort, so give them your gift of a loving memory. Make sure they know how much you loved them before God takes your spirit to be with Him. (Ecc. 12:7)