Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Fear, Love

Verbal Abuse Is Domestic Abuse

The reason we have abuse is because we don’t know about Christ’s true love design and therefore, we are operating from our imperfect definition, ideals, and design of love from the messages we heard, the role models we watched, and the experiences we had. When you choose to be a disciple of Christ through Salvation, you are choosing to be his apprentice. You are committing to learning his ways of love and following them to transform your love design into his.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

How to Tell if You are Being Verbally Abused

Verbal abuse usually starts out subtly. Your abusive spouse starts insulting you and if you object, they try to justify their abuse as ‘a joke.’ This form of manipulation is used by bullies, mean girls, and abusers. When the abuser is questioned or held accountable, they turn the tables by telling the victim that they are being too touchy or sensitive. They are deflecting their responsibility and the truth.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

Greatest Misunderstood Abuse: Verbal Abuse

Some of us may have grown up believing that we all get angry and say mean things, but as long as we apologize, it’s okay. This belief has a strand of truth. However, when we have this mindset, we are giving ourselves permission to speak unkind words with no consideration for the effect they will have on our victims. All words are created from our heart and it has an intent. God knows the truth even when we try to hide from it.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Struggles

Let Go of the Self-Blame of Domestic Abuse Through God’s Love and Truth

People who have been in abusive relationships are deceived into believing their abuse is their fault. Their abuser specializes in placing the blame of his sinful actions on the victim. Abusers use blame to defect the truth and to avoid taking responsibility for their sinful actions. Abuse is NEVER the victim’s fault. People can always walk away if they’re upset. It’s never God’s will or the character and teaching of Jesus Christ to let someone abuse you. God’s truth says the opposite. Love others AS you love yourself, is His second greatest commandment.

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