Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Featured

Obedience Regardless of Suffering

“Mommy, can we get a puppy? I promise I’ll take care of it.” Many children make this plea to their parents. However, parents realize loving a fuzzy puppy requires commitment, responsibility, and obedience. It’s not all fun and can seem like suffering at times. Committing to a relationship, animal, or job requires responsibility and can involve suffering. In your commitments…

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Featured, Love

The Pure Love of Christ

Blood is dripping from Christ’s face. I want to look away, but I see something supernatural. Jesus looks at me with unconditional love, forgiveness, and grace, covering every sinful thought, attitude, word, or deed I have done or ever will do. Jesus is dying for me, and every person ever born. Jesus took the punishment for the sins of everyone…

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Featured, Love

Alert: Love is in Seven Leadership Characteristics as Christ’s Disciple

“If I were leading my company or church, I would make them great!” Many people make this statement without knowing the realities of leadership. The first problem with their opinion is the word “I.” When we place our imperfect self as the ultimate focus of wisdom and knowledge, we will fail. Great leaders, who are disciples of Christ, like Billy…

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