Featured, Relationships

7 Steps to Keep God Priority During the Holiday Season

“Schedules, your parents, my parents, our stepparents, gifts, and dinners. I’m already stressed thinking about all these things to juggle, and the holiday season is just beginning.” I overheard a wife share with her husband at the store. You could see the joy drain from his face as she shared her thoughts and feelings. The Holidays can be a Trigger…

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Featured

End Marital Abuse: Christ’s Disciples Must Work Together

The marital abuse and divorce rates are the same for Christians and non-Christians. Why? How can this be true IF we are disciples of Christ and following God’s word? During COVID, “Domestic violence cases increased by 25-33% globally in 2020. Nearly 20 people per minute.”   UAB News, Health & Medicine, The pandemic is increasing intimate partner violence. Here is how…

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Featured

Ignoring the Victims of Abuse in the Church. What Does God Say?

I told my pastor that my husband constantly called me names. When I told my husband his words hurt me, he dismissed my feelings and said I needed to quit being so sensitive. I shared the abuse charges from a police report with my pastor. My pastor condemned me for smearing my husband’s good name, a church deacon, by going…

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Featured

Unawareness of Abuse and God’s Truth Can Leave You Vulnerable

Turn the other cheek. Suffering is being like Jesus Submit to your husband, who is the head of your marriage Many Christians blindly share verses with people struggling in their painful relationships with the hope that they are helping. However, when you share Scripture without knowing the health or reality of their relationship, you can inflict spiritual abuse. God’s Truth…

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