Priorities Over Resolutions Can Change Your Life

Priorities Over Resolutions Can Change Your Life

I can’t tell you the number of resolutions I’ve made and broken throughout the years. I start with good intentions for self-improvement, but they get sidetracked from life’s realities. Did my resolutions fail because I didn’t have a solid plan? Did they fail because I didn’t believe in them or wasn’t fully committed?

Although some of these factors may have contributed to my past failed resolutions, they revealed an inner truth. What I treasure the most are the priorities that drive any true and lasting transformation in my life. I thank God that He has become priority in my life through the years. My focus is on serving God and honoring Christ’s sacrifice. As I keep God and Jesus my priority, I’m relieved from trying to fix myself with resolutions.

The Difference Between Priorities and Resolutions

  • Webster defines priorities as the fact, condition, or thing being regarded or treated as more important.
  • Webster defines resolutions as a firm decision to do or not to do something.

Without having an important and valuable reason to change something, how can we commit to following through when things get rough? When I think about my past resolutions, I notice a theme. Most of my resolutions were self-focused and independent of originating from God’s love, heart, or following His ways.

Christ’s Disciples Must Have Different Priorities

When you’re a disciple of Christ, your life is not your own. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Cor. 6:19-20, NIV) 

Our gift of salvation cost our Father, God, and our Savior, Jesus Christ, everything! To live our lives as though it is all about us dishonors their love and sacrifice. Unfortunately, many new believers are not taught how to be disciples of Christ and make God and Jesus their daily priority. They do not understand that it is their responsibility to work with Jesus and mature in their faith.

Our Father, God, and our Savior, Jesus Christ’s greatest desires are to dwell in a close personal relationship with us every day. They want to hear our thoughts, dreams, joys, fears, frustrations, anger, and questions. They want us to learn how to be still, hear their voice in our righteous spirit, and study God’s word.

God and Jesus want us to know how to defend ourselves through God’s armor and in prayer. They want to show us their loving blessings and favor. They also want to teach us more of who they are so we can fulfill the missions they have for us while we live in this broken world.

Our deep personal relationship with God and Jesus can only happen when we commit to spending time with them throughout our day. We must spend time with people to grow a deep relationship with them. Jesus showed us this truth in His relationship with His Father, God, when he was on the earth. Therefore, we must follow His example and make Him and God our priority.

Make God and Jesus Your Priority

As you begin a new year, you must know where God and Jesus fall in your list of priorities right now. Don’t look at your answer with judgment. Use your answer as an evaluation point and for motivation to learn to make God your priority.

As his disciple, you must always evaluate your walk with him and the maturity of your faith. I think this is why God allows tests of faith, so we know where we need to grow. God already knows, so we also need to know. Remember, changing a priority means we must know the importance and value.

Take a few minutes and make a list of your top ten priorities without judgment. The answers are your truth this moment, like a photo. It’s the place on your journey of where you are right now. But it doesn’t determine where you will go next. The most wonderful thing about God and Jesus is that they desire for us to know our truth and work with them to keep growing.

After you’ve made your list of priorities, answer the following questions to help you make God and Jesus your priority this coming year.

Imagine how you will feel when your relationship with God and Jesus deepen. 

  • What revelations will God reveal through his word and wisdom as you walk with Him? 
  • How will walking hand-in-hand with Jesus and seeking His instruction first change how you see others and yourself? 
  • What attitudes, words, and actions will you choose when you make Christ’s loving, healthy standards your priority?

Christ’s Disciples Must Make God Priority

Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment. (Matt. 22:37-38, NIV)

The greatest commandment confirms that God must be our top priority. It’s time for believers proclaiming to be Christ’s disciples to live their lives showing the world that God is first. Let their lives be filled with Christ’s example of love, full of respect, honor, responsibility, accountability, healthy boundaries, and His morals, principles, and standards. When you live with God as your priority, others will see His hope and seek His salvation!