Question: Is Your Relationship with Jesus Labor or a Discipleship of Love?

Question: Is Your Relationship with Jesus Labor or a Discipleship of Love?

As we observe Labor Day, I’m so grateful that I’m healthy enough to work. I also thank God every day that I live in a country where I can work safely. When I first started working as a young girl, I decided that work was my opportunity to learn, grow, and financially provide for myself. Some of my friends thought of work as a chore they had to do. They resented the time they spent at their job, and their attitude reflected their negative thoughts.

Our Mindset Affects Our Spirit and Soul

The difference in these mindsets affects how we see ourselves, others, and the opportunities God brings to us. In this imperfect world, according to God’s word, we are instructed to work and take responsibility for ourselves. God’s word also tells us to do it with a good attitude. 

  • “You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.” (Psa. 128:2, NIV)
  • For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” (2 Thess. 3: 10, NIV)
  • “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” (Col. 3:23-24, NIV)

Since we need to work to take care of ourselves and our family financially, why not make the best of it?

Is Your Faith Labor or an Opportunity?

Although our faith is not a physical job we go to, what is our mindset? Do you view your faith and relationship with Jesus as a laboring job defined by Webster as working hard; making a great effort? Do you consider your faith and relationship with Jesus as a discipleship of love? According to Webster, discipleship is the condition or situation of being a disciple, a follower, or a student and follower of Christ?

For many years, I thought of my faith as something that I had to work on and make better. I had been misguided in my understanding of faith. I didn’t realize that following Jesus meant I was his disciple, and I needed to work with him every day. I was confused because “I didn’t know the Scriptures, or the power of God.” (Matt. 22:29, NLT)

Crisis Can Bring Revelation and Transformation

At the end of my second abusive marriage, I came to the end of myself. I realized I was missing information on how to live out my faith. I knew Jesus loved me, so why was I struggling to experience his love, revelation, healing, and deliverance? At the moment of surrender, Jesus filled my heart with his peace.

I crucified my thoughts and desires to fix myself or others. I replaced these patterns and habits with God’s word. God also brought strong Christian women into my life who showed me how to study God’s word, how to hear and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and how to deepen my personal relationship with Jesus every day.

As my heart and mind changed, I woke up feeling blessed to have the opportunity to share my day with Jesus. I looked forward to what he would show me and how he would help me grow my faith and character to mirror his. My faith became a relationship of love, not something I had to do to try to fix myself or others.

Discipleship with Jesus Changes Everything

If you struggle with confusion, frustration, and doubts about your faith, you are not alone. Many believers, like me, were never taught that they are responsible for learning how to grow their relationship with Jesus Christ every day. If you don’t know how to grow and live in your faith in Christ’s ways, you will use what you know and try to be good. 

Jesus tells us that we make mistakes because we don’t know God’s word or power, and we will continue to error until we do. If you want to live in the abundance of Christ’s love, peace, and power to overcome your challenges, you must learn who God and Jesus are. Find a Bible study to help you learn how to study God’s word. In your fellowship with other believers, you can also experience what it means to worship, pray, and talk with Jesus throughout your day.

Jesus is waiting to take your hand and walk with you. He desires to show you his love and how to love yourself and others just as he loves you. 

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