Tag: how to find love

Abuse/Domestic Violence, Love, Love and Marriage Christian


We are one-half of our marriage. If we only commit halfway to our marriage, how can we expect a deep, rich, healthy, happy marriage? Likewise, if we are using an imperfect love design with unhealthy aspects, how can we expect our marriage to be healthy?

The only person you can change is yourself with the help of Christ. Our marriage is like a series of dance steps. When one partner changes a step, the other one will notice even if they don’t say anything at first. When you choose to love your spouse in Christ’s design, the new step is done in his love. Your spouse will choose to react or to respond.

Here’s the big secret you have been waiting to find, and it comes from two verses Jesus tells us.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

3 Essential Steps to Love Like Jesus Through His Gospel

The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God show us Christ’s love that is beyond anything we can imagine. As his disciples, we can thrive in his love, even in the challenges of our lives. I would not have overcome three abusive marriages and divorces without Jesus.  I would still be imprisoned in the cycle of domestic abuse.

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Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

Greatest Misunderstood Abuse: Verbal Abuse

Some of us may have grown up believing that we all get angry and say mean things, but as long as we apologize, it’s okay. This belief has a strand of truth. However, when we have this mindset, we are giving ourselves permission to speak unkind words with no consideration for the effect they will have on our victims. All words are created from our heart and it has an intent. God knows the truth even when we try to hide from it.

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