Tag: Jesus Christ

Abuse/Domestic Violence, Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Love

3 Essential Steps to Love Like Jesus Through His Gospel

The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God show us Christ’s love that is beyond anything we can imagine. As his disciples, we can thrive in his love, even in the challenges of our lives. I would not have overcome three abusive marriages and divorces without Jesus.  I would still be imprisoned in the cycle of domestic abuse.

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Love, Relationships

Who is the Superhero Living in You?

You may not be able to call down a thunderbolt from the sky or to shrink to the size of an ant or to deflect bullets from your bracelets of gold. However, you may have the superpower of friendliness, to talk to anyone because they feel comfortable with you. You may have the superpower of a generous heart, continually finding ways to bless people. You may have the superpower of laughter, making people laugh where ever you go. All of these are an example of specific superpowers most of us don’t even recognize. What would your life look like if you recognized and lived in your superpowers every day? How would your mind, relationships, and life change?

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Oppressing Thoughts or Mind Matters, Struggles, Uncertainty in Transitions of Life

Does Faith in Jesus Automatically Fix Everything?

Have you ever wondered why faith does not automatically fix everything? Jesus never said if you believe in me I will make all your choices, consequences, and life easy. In fact, Jesus himself showed us our decision to follow God, and think and act like God’s character, will be challenging in this broken world with imperfect people. However, these facts…

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Faith Struggles and Strengthening, Gratefulness, Relationships, Uncertainty in Transitions of Life

What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?

Have you ever bought into someone offering you a new theory or quick fix? They profess that if you believe and follow their plans, you can experience their results. Unfortunately, some of us follow them blindly only to discover their theories or promises are deceptive, unsustainable, and even harmful.

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