Thankful for Your Scars

Thankful for Your Scars

I’m thankful for the scars. Cause without them I wouldn’t know Your heart.’ Lyrics from the song, Scars, by, I AM THEY.

Our Scars

We are not in heaven. We live in a broken earth in imperfect bodies. In this broken world, we endure hard and difficult things in our life, and we have the scars to prove it. Some of our scars are faded or clearly visible. However, many, if not most, are unseen. They are deep in our hearts and minds. We all know how they were made, but we don’t always know how to stop the pain caused by the wound. Many times in my life, I have focused on trying to make my scars fade away. I thought that would stop my pain, but I was wrong.

Christ’s Scars

When I was young, I used to wonder why God didn’t get rid of the scars on Christ’s hands, feet, and his side. As I have grown in my relationship with Jesus, I realize that he kept his scars after he rose from the dead to show us that we will endure pain, but with him, we can overcome. The life of Jesus reveals that our scars are not the end of our story. In fact, like Christ’s, our scars are designed to become part of our story and to help others.

The God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. (2 Cor 1:4 NIV)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Rom 8:28 NIV)

My Scars

Although God created our bodies with the ability to heal physically, we need the help of Jesus to heal our mind, heart, and spirit. I didn’t know how to let Jesus help me heal. I didn’t know that through his healing, he would transform my scars into beauty marks within the masterpiece of my life.

For many years I was lost in comparing my scars and feeling sorry for myself. The devil used these tactics to blind me until I realized that my wounds could have been much worse. When I learned my identity and value in Christ, I realized we each have our ‘cross’ or scars to bear. Jesus gives all his disciples his equal love, healing, and power. Now, I see my scars as proof of Gods’ love and healing.

Being able to heal and break free from thirty years of domestic abuse in three marriages and divorces, required me to be grateful for all the scars and lessons I had learned along the way through God’s revelations. He helped me see that every lesson has made me who I am in him today. It has equipped me to help other people find Christ’s true love design.

Thrive in Christ’s Healing of Your Scars

The scars in my life not only revealed God’s faithfulness but Christ’s presence with me even when I didn’t feel him. The wisdom and strength I have gained from my scars are my testimony to Christ’s healing and faithfulness in my life. Like Jesus, my scars can help others see who he is and the love and faithfulness that is available to them. If my stories, my mission, or my life can help one person see Jesus and choose to walk hand-in-hand with him every day, all my scars were worth it.

If Jesus could choose to let God allow his scars so he could use them to give every person the opportunity to be saved, then I can trust him with my scars. I choose to learn and to grow to be all that God intended me to be on earth and for all eternity. I choose to be thankful for my scars!

Stand with me in support to end domestic abuse and all abuse and join my professional Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest Pages.

Abuse is NEVER God’s will. If you have questions about abuse, please explore my resources at God’s Transforming Grace.