Thanksgiving Acronym to Keep You Encouraged

Thanksgiving Acronym to Keep You Encouraged


How can you be full of thanksgiving when you’re in an abusive marriage or relationship?

For many years during my abusive marriage, I struggled to find the will to pray. I was full of questions. Where was God in my darkness? Did he see my suffering? When would He rescue me?

I didn’t realize when I was asking God my questions from my heart; I was praying. Once I starting speaking my prayers out loud, I felt like I was finally being real with Jesus. I wanted him to know my pain, anger, fear, and confusion. I needed to be real and not pretend with him like I did with other people in my life.

With all my barriers down I felt a release of pain and stress in my mind, heart, and body. In this moment, I heard the small voice of Jesus saying he loves me so much and he proved it by dying for me. I knew Jesus knew my pain and he also knows God can show me my healing path just like God did for him.

Being truthful with Jesus about where I was also helped me decide I didn’t want to stay in my distress. My honest empowered me to seek God’s answers by studying His word. I set out to break free from the invisible prison I created in my mind as well as my abusive Christian marriage. This process of realization and a determined faith to find God’s truth and healing took thirteen years before I left my abusive marriage. I don’t say this to discourage you but to let you know your healing journey is a process.

No matter where you’re at in your healing journey, take the time to be thankful for the good in your life. Take time to celebrate your steps forward in Christ. Only you have the power to choose your focus, attitude, feelings, and actions. When all of your mind focuses on mirroring the heart and characteristics of Jesus, he will strengthen you and your faith.

The power of thankfulness is God’s cure for fear, anxiety, need to control, depression, self-destructive behaviors, and the darkness of abuse. I wrote this acronym for Thanksgiving to help me through the season of Thanksgiving. My prayer is that it helps you not just survive the holiday but to create and find moments of joy and gratitude.


Thank God for your blessings, your breath, and His love

Hold on to the promises of God and seek His healing

Acknowledge your power to choose to be happy and your actions

Never forget you are not alone with Jesus inside you

Keep the needs of others equal with your self-care

Seek God’s path of healing from your abusive marriage or relationship

Give yourself a specific time to talk with Jesus today

Invite someone to coffee or lunch who is mature in Christ

Victory is yours through God’s transforming grace. Study His Word

Inspire and encourage someone with a smile today

Now is the time to change your future. Choose to walk daily with Jesus.

God made it possible for you to overcome and share eternity with Him! Give Him Thanks!   ™ God’s Transforming Grace

Author Darla Colinet, Champion for Abused Women and Christian Speaker


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