The Greatest Christmas Gift

The Greatest Christmas Gift

If someone sacrificed their life so that you could live with them forever in heaven, wouldn’t that be the greatest gift of all? The gift of eternal life in heaven could only happen on this broken earth in our imperfect condition. The proof of the unconditional love of God and Jesus could only happen on earth.

God’s Perfect Love

There is no need for God’s and Christ’s sacrificial love in a heaven that is perfect. In heaven, there is no pain, sin, or brokenness. There is no need for salvation from our Savior, Jesus. Although God created us in their image, he created us with the power to choose. In his perfect love, you have the freedom to choose and to say no. We must all choose to believe in God and let Jesus be the Lord in our life or to choose to be our own god.

To help us see His perfect love, God sent his Son, Jesus, down to earth. Jesus lived with us to teach us how to love God first and above all. He showed us how to live a life worthy of God’s love through his attitudes, character, heart, words, and actions. By Christ’s example, and through God’s instructions of the Bible, we can learn how to walk with Jesus and be transformed into his likeness.

Our gift of unconditional love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness came in God’s gift of Jesus to us. Without God’s greatest gift of all, we would be doomed now and for eternity. However, because of the unconditional love, grace, and mercy of our Creator and Father, God, we have the privilege to choose to live for him.

We have the chance to experience a restorative transformation into Christ’s likeness because we are imperfect. We can learn how to live in his exceptional love design and show others his path. We can see how we fulfill the missions throughout our lives as each year goes by. This Christmas, we must remember God’s greatest gift.

Guard Your Heart

As you go through the season of Christmas, guard your heart against losing your focus of the unconditional gift of love of our Creator, and loving Father, God. Take your thoughts captive and keep them on Jesus. Don’t get deceived by the commercialization or by the world trying to take the word Christ out of Christmas.

Instead, be determined to show at least one act of kindness and grace each day. Decide to smile when you greet people. Say please, and thank you very much, as you go throughout your day, even to your spouse. As you choose to let Christ’s love, hope, and grace shine through you, anticipate the light you will bring to others.

Greatest Gift of Life

No one knows what chapter of life we are walking into someone’s life. You may be the light of hope they need to choose to keep living. You may be the only heart, words, and actions of Jesus people see that will help them believe in him. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you are his ambassador and light.

This Christmas, be the loving light of Jesus. Let others see how much you honor God for his gift of Jesus to you. Let others see the greatest gift anyone can receive is Jesus. If they need help, lead them to walk in his unconditional loving gift of Salvation!

When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.a] He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Because of his grace he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life. Titus 3:4-7 NLT

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