Unique Definition of Motherhood

The miracle of birth has touched everyone, even Jesus. We all come into this world from a mother’s womb. Some of us are primarily raised by the one who birthed us, and some of us have come to know the bond between our heart and a woman who loves and nurtures us as our mother. God decided to bless me with four mothers in my life:

  • One who loved and nurtured me as a baby into a little girl full of hope, even though I was not of her womb.
  • One who showed me that faith in God is a relationship, and not based on circumstances or feelings.
  • One who opened my eyes to see the real, beautiful, valuable, and loved me and who has been my true and trusted friend for over 30 years.
  • One who has shown me the value and blessings of having girlfriends to help me thrive in my life.

They all took me under their wing of love, support, and encouragement. They shared their wisdom and helped me transform into the woman of God I am today. Women are an amazing gift to one another, and the world.

I am eternally grateful for the mothers and women in my life. No one person can help you see, understand, and grow into the amazing woman God created you to be. Don’t be afraid or feel disloyal about your relationship with your biological mother when you seek the love of other moms. In fact, you do not have to have a biological child to share the motherly love you God created inside you. When you share your gifts and love you will find awesome blessings along the way whether you are giving or receiving. God blessed us with the incredible gift of loving and nurturing others. I encourage you to share it and be blessed.