What to Do with Bad Choices Through Faith

I made some horrible financial choices with my ex-husband just to keep the peace in my abusive marriage. Even though my marriage ended, and my ex-husband passed away, I was left with crushing debt for thirteen years. I decided to keep paying my debts and praying for God to help me climb out of my financial pit and be free one day.

Faith Doesn’t Stop Challenges

Being a Christian or follower of Christ has taught me that sometimes we have to go through the deserts in our lives or walk through the natural consequences of our choices to strengthen our faith. Becoming mature in my faith means I have to take responsibility for my choices and actions and pay the legal or financial price.

I thank Jesus that I am forgiven for my sins as I am under his grace. I also praise him for walking with me every minute of every day of my life no matter what I face in this broken world. The fact that I am not alone and that I learn to trust his promises is my hope in life.

Jesus tells me he will work all things for the good for those who love and follow him. He says he has good plans for me. Do I live like I believe his unfailing promises? Do I trust him to do what is best for me in his timing and in his way? Do I dictate, demand, plead, or threaten God to get MY WAY.”

Our Mistakes Require Trust in Jesus

One of the biggest challenges in growing my faith was to live in my full trust of Jesus living in me. Only by knowing who he was through studying his word and putting my faith into action, have I come to see how he has always been there in me. Now I understand I serve Christ. Jesus is not our Genie; he is our Savior!

Our faith in Christ requires us to trust him no matter what people say, how things look, or how we feel. Our faith is keeping our eyes on Jesus in the midst of our storms, so we don’t sink into the waves as Peter did. It’s not that we don’t have faith, it is that we haven’t learned how to use and strengthen it.

No matter what hardship you are facing, I want you to know that Jesus is right there with you. Don’t let your emotions, the situation, or any negative self-talk keep you believing God is not listening, or there will not be an answer. Learn how to proclaim his promises to help you when things look bleak, or you feel uncertain. Putting your trust in motion is the building of your faith.

Jesus is Faithful

My crushing financial burden was finally rearranged to a manageable solution after thirteen years. The orchestration of twelve different factors all coming together to a good financial alternative could only have been orchestrated by God. He didn’t choose to make it possible to pay off all my debt, but he gave me a way to break free eventually. I praise him for closing one hard chapter in my life and giving me the ability to start a new one with stronger faith.

Whatever challenge you are facing, I encourage you to own your portion and be responsible. Keep looking to Jesus and proclaiming his promises to build your faith. Only you can open the door of doubt and stop growing your faith. Stay strong, God’s timing and according to what way He sees best for you, He will be faithful.

To build your trust, download my free 12 Empowering Truths to Grow Your Faith.