Who is the Superhero Living in You?

The Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Ant-Man, and Wonder Woman are a few of the superheroes; Marvel has brought to life in the movies. Each superhero, along with their specific powers also has a distinct personality and weakness.

Even if you have never seen a superhero movie, I’m sure you have wondered what it would be like to fly, to shrink, or to conquer your enemies and still look great. Because of our imperfect state of humanity, the thought of finding a secret power within us to overcome the challenges in our life is very appealing. The truth is God himself designed you with your very own superhero powers. These powers are activated to super strength when you choose to live like you “KNOW” Jesus Christ lives in you twenty-four hours a day.

You may not be able to call down a thunderbolt from the sky or to shrink to the size of an ant or to deflect bullets from your bracelets of gold. However, you may have the superpower of friendliness, to talk to anyone because they feel comfortable with you. You may have the superpower of a generous heart, continually finding ways to bless people. You may have the superpower of laughter, making people laugh where ever you go. All of these are an example of specific superpowers most of us don’t even recognize. What would your life look like if you recognized and lived in your superpowers every day? How would your mind, relationships, and life change?

What would happen to our families, community, and nation if we all used our superpowers to serve others? Just as each superhero has a specific set of powers, they are still limited. However, when superheroes decide to work together like they do in the Avengers movies, they are invincible. This is the picture of how God created you with our unique design to serve to His glory. Every person is designed with their specific gifts, talents, skills, and personality to fit together like pieces of a puzzle of God’s grand design.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 NIV

The other day I met with Elastic Woman and the Invisible Woman! They met with me, Wonder woman, in God’s eyes. The very mention of us being God’s superheroes on this broken earth brought a whole new awareness of what will happen when we work together to serve others. Jesus is the biggest superhero of all, and he lives in you from the time you accept salvation. Isn’t living in his love and superpower how he intended us to love God first and others as we love ourselves on earth?

I challenge you this week to find a book character, a movie character, or a cartoon character who has qualities you admire. If you don’t find one, then combine a few. My second mom calls me PippiAnna on occasion. This name is a cross between Pippi Longstocking and PollyAnna. Let your superheroes abilities or powers help you see the superpowers Christ activated in you when he came to dwell in you. Be courageous and use your superpowers!